Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Future Mathlete

Charlie: Triplets are when there's 1 boy, 1 girl and 1 half-boy and half-girl.

Me: There's really no such thing as a half-boy and a half-girl. There would either be 2 boys and a girl, or 2 girls and a boy.

Charlie: No. That's not real. You're teasing me.

Me: It is real. I'm not teasin'.

Charlie: But that's not fair?

Me: I know. Being a triplet isn't fair.

Kind of scary how math oriented his brain is sometimes. Things have to be even or they don't make sense.

Another example: yesterday we bought a 3 pack of swimming goggles. He said to me "1 pair will be for me, 1 pair for Annie, and we'll save the last pair in case we have another baby." Never entered his mind that 1 of them could just have 2 pairs. (And for the record there's no other baby coming someday.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Technically speaking...Charlie is correct. One of the triplets could be a half girl/half boy. He's so smart!