Monday, May 5, 2014

my new obsession

I used to love Weight Watchers.  I loved counting my points, figuring out the points in everything I ate, being able to eat a Peppermint Patty instead of an apple because they had the same point value, etc. etc.

It worked for me for a time in my life but the last few years I've been off the WW wagon.  I kept trying to get back on but the excitement was lost.  I never found a meeting I loved over here in Spokane and I got tired of being hungry and depriving myself.

In January, after several months of feeling soft and sad (about my dad but also about the softness that was my body), a friend introduced me to Isagenix.  Now I'm an Isagenix freak!  They're more focused on overall wellness rather than just being skinny.  Their shakes are made from organic whey protein which helps build lean muscles.  They encourage you to cleanse your body of toxins and they provide you the products and the support to do so.

I feel better than ever before, I sleep better than ever before, I have more energy, AND I've lost 13 pounds.

The tricky thing about Isagenix though is the cost.  It's spendy, about $11/day for the 30-day plan.  They're set up as a multi-level marketing company so now I'M SELLING their stuff with the goal to get my own paid for.  Not something I ever thought I'd do but in an effort to get my stuff for free I'm doing it.  I'm about 1/2 way there.  I'd love some help getting the rest of the way there. 

Below are some links about why Isagenix is great.  The bottom link is to my page they set up for me.  If you're reading this and you're curious ask me!  I can add you to a private Facebook group where you can see lots of before/after pics, read about other's successes, and learn more about what the products do for you.

A little something about protein:

A little something about toxins:

A path to get these products ordered and into your system:

Thanks for reading friends!


Brooke Buckingham said...

I feel the same way about WW. There are definitely flaws in the program, or it at least in the way I would interpret it. I would opt for a very sugary fiber one bar over a handful of almonds because the fiber one bar had less points. Plus, WW doesn't give you a good way of tracking how many carbs you're eating vs. proteins & fats. I love the MyFitness app! It gives me a pie chart that shows exactly what my protein/fat/carb ratios are.

I don't know if I can commit, but I'm definitely interested in more information on your product. :-)

Peter said...

I was very skeptical of Isagenix. After seeing my 2 sisters succeed on it, I gave it a try. After about 6 weeks, I lost 25 pounds and now I am a believer.