Last week I was checking my slickdeals website, like I do several times a day, obsessively, and I noticed a post about free iPhone at Best Buy starting on Friday (this was on a Thursday). The post just said that this isn't an advertised special because they're just closing out the 3G's and giving them away to people who can sign a new 2-year contract until they're gone.
Huh I say to myself. My phone is just a regular ol' phone and my contract is up. I don't need a new phone, but I buy crap all the time that I don't need and this I wouldn't even be buying.
Matt gets home and I tell him that tomorrow at 8 am I'm going to Best Buy and getting a new, free iPhone. He says yeah right. I say just wait. The Internet does not lie to me.
The next day I go down and get my new phone. Didn't even have to pay the tax on it. It was just free. Apparently now that the 4 is out no one buys the 3. I may have been the last one on the plant to get on board with the smart phone craze (even my MOM has one) but I'm on board now and now I can't remember life without it.
So I call Matt to brag and he doesn't seem to really believe me. He asks if it's a 3G S or just a 3G. I have no idea. I look at the box. Yeah, there's an S on the box. So now it's starting to sink in for him that I have a better phone than him.
After Charlie's Christmas program that night we go to Best Buy to try to get Matt a new one because the envy is killing him. It was 7:30 at night and they were gone. Ooohhh now what? Wifers can't have a better phone.
So a few days later I'm at work bragging about how life has changed for me and a friend tells me he upgraded and sold his old iPhone on EBay for like $150. I tell Matt. I get another yeah right.
I went home that night and pulled up EBay and someone was selling an iPhone, just like Matt's, that doesn't even turn on for $100. If you're in the middle of your contract and lose your phone a new one is like $600, so there's actually a market for gently used old ones.
So Matt calls in sick the next day (sick with phone envy) and uses the day to get the new iPhone 4 (which cost him $200). He then goes home and lists his old one on EBay. The auction closed last night at $180! So the new phone cost us just $20!
Next super interesting post: how the iPhone has changed my life.
man. i'm feeling totally taken! we were suckers and got the 4's when they came out and gave our old ones to friends in exchange for him selling our old stuff on craigslist. and yes, we made like $150 on stuff i would have given to goodwill... but it doesn't add up! :)
It seems like WE are those people who are always in the market for a used phone. Every phone we buy breaks. I'm not sure if that is a commentary on how hard we are on phones or how crappy the "fancy" phones we buy are... Needless to say, we are nowhere NEAR the smart phone craze. We don't even text if it makes you feel better! I hope that you can still relate to the little people now that you're a full iphone family.
Reading this made me laugh histarically because I had such a clear image of you and Matt gowing back and forth about how you having a better phone totalty emasculates him. I heard his yeah right and your just wait clear as a bell like i was sitting in the room. Classic ring conversation. Fantastic. I miss you guys. So entertaining.
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