Tuesday, August 4, 2009

*jumping* lessons

Thursday was the last day of Charlie's first session of swim lessons. He totally mastered the Pee Wee class by proving he could jump off the diving board fearlessly (ok, there was some fear, and not a whole lot of jumping, more throwing but who cares about the details right?). He's done it a total of 3 times now and told me today that he hopes they get to jump tomorrow.

I signed him up for the same Pee Wee session again (which started yesterday) so he's got 2 more weeks to practice his skillz. Then it's on to Super Pee Wees (real name of the session I swear).
Day 1, yesterday, was kind of crappy (I'm going for the pun here...wait for it...), someone "had an accident" in the pool and they wouldn't let the kids swim. Instead they spent the 25 minute class period reading a book about pool safety and coloring a picture. The lifeguards/teachers were pretty vague about "the accident" but thankfully a cute little 4-year old girl in our class raised her hand and said "why did someone have an accident?". Charlie's teacher clarified that since it was "an adult sized accident" it was probably really a practical joke. A really nasty, mean practical joke that ruined swim lessons for a ton of kids.
Day 2, today, was way better. The pool was re-chemicalized and Charlie rocked the starfish float and the multiple bubble blowing exercises. There's no stopping now - Go Charlie Go!

1 comment:

The Alexander's said...

I can't wait for Zane to get there...he cries during 3/4 of his entire lessons right now...fun times for mom, let me tell ya!