Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Visiting Mobius

We have a membership to Mobius (Spokane's Children's Museum) which I bought thinking it would be something for us to do in the winter when it's too cool to play outside. What I forgot at the time was that Spokane only does extremes. Way too cold to be outside or way too hot (I swear I love where we live, I'm just getting a little tired of sweating (read: stinking) at 9 am).

So since we're currently experiencing way too hot to play outside all day, we went downtown to the museum last week. Below is Charlie on the backhoe? maybe? digger?, Annie playing in the market, and the kids putting on a little bongo/chime concert.

And because I so love to rat on myself for being inappropriate/stupid I thought I'd throw in a little video.

The "oh sh**" is either because my camera was on video mode instead of still picture mode or because Annie saw this as an opportunity to escape and was making her break. Either way a cuss word was where I went at the children's museum surrounded by children...

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