Monday, January 26, 2009

I don't know what I'm doing.

So I found this blog last week that's hilarious because its totally made up and totally makes fun of everything I'm trying to make my blog not be.


The reason for my lack of posts lately is because I'm kind of thinking maybe my blog actually is retarded and should be made fun of. I love to make fun of myself to a point. And I like to think everyone is laughing along with me. But it occurred to me last week after reading this other blog that maybe they're laughing at me?

So until I really decide to keep it up or just delete it I'll continue to post pictures and stories every time my kids look/say/think something cute.

And I'll continue to start 90% of the paragraphs with so. Because I know that's not annoying at all.


Amy said...

shoot that is funny! your blog isn't dumb and doesn't even compare to the completely made up one. plus the people that read yours love hearing about your kids and your wacky adventures with them so stop worrying about it and keep writing about your non-mormon household :)

Anonymous said...

It's about time someone poke fun at this genre of blogs. I like the mormon angle. I assume that's Dooce related or something.

Personally, I just thought you were doing it for family and friends and, hence, why worry at all?

If you were thinking this was gonna get you a book deal, that would be different.

As far as kid blogs go, this one is readable. Although, I do think they have a shelf life. I mean, how many times do you pull out the "Kids Say the Darndest Things" dvd off the shelf and re-watch it?

Enjoy it while you can!

Lori said...

You're a dork. If people don't like what you blog about they don't have to visit your site. But those people would be CrAzY! :) I know some people who blog like that and I finally decided to stop going instead of going and then complaining about how annoying it was. It only took a year for me to get there...

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and your pictures of those darling kids.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy; even though I'm biased, I love reading about the whole Ring family. It's always entertaining, and may I add the pictures of the kids are ALWAYS so cute!

The Alexander's said...

Just think of whatever you write down as memories for the kiddos later. Who cares if it seems dumb to you or other (it doesn't to me) 20 years it will be cool to look back and say "Charlie, when you were a little boy, you loved wearing your Batman costume and here's a picture". Unlike my mom who has no baby book and hardly any pictures of me as a baby! I think you should definitely keep it up!

Brooke Buckingham said...

I've been there... and I don't even have kids. This blog isn't really for anyone else but you. Write whatever you feel and if people don't like it, they can go to a website called "google" and search for something better! :-)

Brooke Buckingham said...

Also -- as a childless adult in a world screaming with kids, I find your blog highly entertaining, sincere and humble. I really enjoy reading it! :-)

Emily said...

Hi! I barely know you and read your blog religiously...that says something positive right? Plus, since your sister never posts on hers, I have to keep up with the Anda/Ring/Finnegans somehow!