Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shots and percentiles and updates oh my!

We went in for Annie's 4-month well baby appointment today. Here are her latest stats:

weight: 13.9 lbs - 41st percentile
height: 26in - 91st percentile
head: 16.3 in - 47th percentile
beautifulness: 100th percentile

They always ask if I have any concerns and I pretty much always say no. This time I was prepared with a whole list of concerns. Annie has been spitting up like crazy for like the last 10 days. The doctor said she's probably just a little dehydrated from the heat and I can give her 2-4 ounces of water everyday to help curb that. Wouldn't have thought of that and wouldn't have thought that was ok at this age, glad I asked.
She's also been getting crazy, bumpy, diaper rashes. Again, the heat could be the cause. The doctor said to put diaper rash cream on her after every diaper change to create a barrier between her skin and the pee in her diaper. Again, wouldn't have thought of that, glad I asked.
Another development is I can start feeding her rice cereal if I'd like. She's become such a proficient nurser that I'm not in a huge hurry but sometime in the next couple of weeks I think I'll get started.
She got 3 shots today so she's currently passed out in her swing sleeping like a little angel. I should really log off and get some work done while I can. Charlie's at the lake for a couple of days so I can get my work done...which I'm obviously not taking advantage of...ok seeing it in print is making me feel guilty...I'm really signing off now.

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