Monday, September 23, 2013

2 and K.

Holy moly I have a 2nd grader and a kindergartener.  When did that happen?!
2nd grade collage - neighborhood buddies, desk, leaving for school

She worked all summer on riding without training wheels for this moment.
Kindergarten collage - waiting in line with neighborhood friend, listening to The Kissing Hand, leaving for school
Reading to her stuffed animal before bed, her favorite way to wind down these days.

So far Charlie is loving his teacher and his class.  He's also found that he loves hot lunch - sad for me because I stocked up on juice boxes and handy snacks in August.  Yay for him though because he's trying all kinds of new foods and in larger quantities than he chooses when with us.  He should be all bulked up for winter in no time!

Annie loves her teacher and class as well.  She just gets to go for 2.5 hours so she spends most mornings with my parents.  I think she's enjoying the 1-on-1 time with G&G and they're loving the time with their spirited only grand-daughter.  My dad was just telling me that Annie informed him that it's her job to change the dolls clothes everyday when she gets to their house.  This is the same doll that she also straps roller skates to and zooms around the house a couple of times a week.  It must also be her job to encourage her to get exercise.

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