Thursday, July 18, 2013


Annie at the playground, a must do when dropping Charlie off at Sports Camp.

Matt's new game with the kids: Dunk Ball.  It involves a football and a pool.  The rules are a little blurry.

They all seem to enjoy it even though it always ends in the kids getting dunked.


Amy said...

I need to know if the Slip N Slide functions properly at your house. Ours is basic - kind of short, and my kids only make it 3/4 of the way down. Do I need to squirt some Palmolive on there?

Jeannette said...

I would squirt the Palmolive on the kids...

Our kids don't get to the end either, unless Matt throws them down bowling ball style.

Brooke Buckingham said...

You should have included Matt's answer to your text in this blog post. ;-)