Monday, May 6, 2013

Marmot Match

This weekend Matt and Lori Dyk came over with their little ones so the kids could do the Marmot March and Matt and I could do Bloomsday.  Sorry for the overload of pictures, the kids were just so darling in their special shirts.


Annie ran in to a buddy from school at the end of the race.  She seems to know 1/2 of Spokane already.

Stood right in front of the sun.  Dumb.

Matt entertained the crowd while we waited for Lori to buy a water.

There was a long line.

Kids didn't care though.

After the race we walked over to the falls.

Fighting on the bridge.  Always a good idea.

Please notice Matt posing.

Please notice Matt pretending like he's not posing even though he is.

The falls.

Matt still posing just in case I'm still taking pictures.

The Dyks enjoying the view.

We came across these crazy statues and the kids decided to mimic each one.  How could I not photograph each pose?

This turned out to be the funniest part of the day.  The kids were so into it!

Charlie picked his spot.  7 year old humor is killing me.

Two of this one because it's just so darn funny.


Brooke Buckingham said...

The "Matt pretending not to pose" thing had me laughing out loud!

Lori said...

They really were extra cute! And thanks for taking a picture of me and my boys enjoying the view - love it. : )

Amy said...

Me too! Now I'm going to look for the "posing husband" phenomenon in other places. I wonder if Mark does it and I haven't noticed yet?