Sunday, October 2, 2011


Last weekend my parents treated us to a day at Silverwood. So much fun - thanks Mom and Dad!
And now for a random story about this sign:

When I did the Spokane to Sandpoint Relay last summer part of the deal was that at about midnight your team meets at Silverwood and rides Tremors in the middle of the night. For some reason this sign upset me on so many levels I'm not sure where to even begin.
  • Why is the guy holding his severed head a cartoon? So kids who can't read will understand the sign. Should kids who can't read even be riding this ride?
  • Are they making light of the situation by making it cartoony? Is it funny to lose your head at a theme park?
  • I didn't want to stand up, but after seeing this sign it was all I could think about.
  • Did they make this sign because someone did stand up and get their head severed?
  • I'm kind of on the tall side for a woman, should I have been worried that I might get clipped?

When I rode Tremors at midnight back in August I hated it. I think the lack of sleep from the race interfered with my regular spot on judgement and I just let the sign go to my head (pun!). Every tunnel that the roller coaster went through I kept thinking "is this going to be the one that kills me? Did I tell my kids how much I love them before I left?".

When I rode it last weekend it was actually kind of fun. I still hated their sign, but with the proper amount of sleep the night before I was able to just read it and move on. Not move on - move on because obviously I took a picture of it and I'm devoting some precious space on the Internets to it's inappropriateness, but move on like as in I didn't get off the ride this time and shout to the people still in line how awful the ride was. That kind of move on.

1 comment:

Katie and Bob said...

Agreed. That sign is weird and gross. I love Silverwood and I can't believe how big your "babies" are getting! They are little kids now and not babies anymore:)