Sunday, March 27, 2011


Matt is a list guy. He makes lists on Fridays of all the projects he wants to accomplish over the weekend. So these last couple of weekends Charlie has gotten it in his head that he needs a list too.

I have no idea why my picture is sideways, or how to correct it, but I took a picture of Saturday's list.

1. Do Starfall (his kid website he likes to visit)
2. Help Dad (he looked for him in the garage, couldn't find him, came back in a checked it off)
3. Brush teeth
4. Go outside
5. Have lunch
6. Have dinner
7. Go to the YMCA
8. Go to bed (added after I took the picture)

As he accomplished each thing he checked it off just like Matt always does.

There are so many things I love about this list. I love that eating lunch and dinner are just things to 'do' and not things to obsess over like I love to do. Speaking of my obsession with food - I'm down 10.6 pounds since re-committing my life to Weight Watchers back in February thankyouverymuch. I love the new WW plan but that may be a story for another post (that, just like this one, will start out about my kids and end up all about me).

I love that his life is so simple that he has to write down 'go to bed'. I wish my to-do lists were that easy. I wish I could write that on a list right now, check it off, and go do it right now at 6:40 p.m.

I love that he rotated colors for each line.

I love that his 4-almost-5-year-old handwriting is about the same as my 30-year old brothers.

And I love that he told me he's going to start making lists every weekend just like his dad.


Brooke Buckingham said...

Very cute! And good job with WW! I started out strong but kind of had a bad weekend. Oh well, tomorrow's another day! :)

Krusty said...

He already has better spelling and handwriting than I do. Nicely done Charles. The apple may not have fallen far from the tree that is for sure. I am surprised to not see a picture Annie running into erase his list just to torment him.

Amber said...

Had to post a comment on this one -- how amazingly cute is Charlie?! Love it!!! Hope you're doing well!