Monday, August 24, 2009

More pool pictures and cool stories.

So my dad had planned to drive over from Orcas to spend the weekend with us (my mom is already on the Eastside spending a couple weeks baby-sitting all her grand kids).

As he was driving he got the call that his DNR team had been called into action (he's on a response team that does the accounting/payroll for wildfires). Coincidentally though they were dispatched to the Richland fire (for those of you not familiar with Washington geography Richland is right next to Pasco, which was where he was already headed).

So he at least got to spend a couple of hours in Pete's pool playing with the kids before he had to report for duty. And I managed to get 1 picture to prove he was there:
Next story: the water slide. Charlie went down with me and I practically drowned him so he wouldn't go near it for the rest of the weekend. So no pictures of that.

Annie on was into it though and cousin Caden was way into it. Caden, who is only 2 1/2, had no problem going down all by himself. Annie probably would have too if she was big enough to climb the stairs herself. Below is Matt and Annie on one of her many trips down.

Ring family portrait.

Anda kid portrait (from left): brother-in-law Justin, sister Charlotte, nephew Caden, brother Pete, sister-in-law Vanessa, Charlie, me, Matt, Annie.

Thanks for having us over Pete and Vanessa! We really appreciate the hospitality!

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