Monday, July 6, 2009

May the Fourth be with you.

Oh where do I even begin. On the 4th of July we were at Deer Lake staying at my in-laws house. They talked us in to being in a little community parade Saturday morning.

There was a mix up with the times and we were a half hour late. Meaning we missed the whole thing. Thankfully we had spent no money or time (well, ours anyways, Cheryl and Ken spent tons of time) on our costumes so we were really just out the 30 minutes of getting dressed time. Little Luke before the "parade".

Big Luke hamming it up in the parking lot. Apparently his natural brown hair would have ruined the look. The crazy blond wig makes him the spitting image of Luke Skywalker wouldn't you say?

I always get stuck being Darth. It's my own fault really. I never want to take the time to shop around for costumes and Matt keeps the helmet and cape on hand.

Fighting in the parking lot.

Seriously. Nothing says Happy Birthday America like the Rings dressing up and walking around the lake for their own amusement! Thanks Matt H and Elise for putting up with us!

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