Monday, December 8, 2008

Welcome Christmas, we've missed you.

The day after Thanksgiving we headed up to the tree farm to cut down our tree. Mr. Charlie was a big help this year. He'd walk along the rows of trees and say "follow me dad, there's more over here". Some things are so fun to see from a little kid's perspective.

This picture below is from this year but if you click here you can see that I took the very same picture last year. I think the only thing different is Charlie upped the camo quotient this year.
When I was paying for the tree I grabbed a candy cane for Charlie. He apparently has no memory of what to do with them from last year (and if you think about it, in books they usually just show them as decorations, not food). I unwrapped it and handed it to him and he started banging it against the truck.
Matt and I at the same time said "no Charlie, you eat it". So he gives us a puzzled look and leans forward to lick the truck. I know he's only 2 but how is that logical to anyone?
Annie "helping" with the ornaments.
A glimpse of the finished product.

Annie has graduated to full on furniture crawling so I wanted to get some before pictures up of the tree. Before meaning before she pulls it down on herself. It's really just a matter of time.

1 comment:

Erika said...

licking the truck?!? where is the camera/video when you really need it? now that is one for the baby book! the tree looks great!