Sunday, December 21, 2008

Part 1: Andafest

As always Christmas is an eighty part affair in our household. Part 1 happened on Saturday when we headed over to my parent's condo for Andafest 08. We were missing the Pasco chapter of the Anda clan due to the crazy storm but we're told they're going to try to make it up this weekend for a make up game. So that will make it an eight-one part affair this year.

Below is all Matt's doing. He was in charge of trying to get the kids to nap before we headed over. Can you spot the flaw in his tactic? Right. 2 monkeys in 1 bed is a recipe for playing, not napping. This is Miss Annie opening her first present. I'm so happy for her to finally have some toys of her own. Poor child has been playing with light sabers and space ships since she was born. It's about time we got some girl toys in this house (thanks Grandma, Grandpa, and Finnegan's!).

By the end of the 4 hours at the condo Little Miss had mastered going up the stairs. She seems too little to do this but what do I know. Charlie also learned the stairs at my parent's condo and we never had a mishap with him so I guess its a good place to learn.
So Christmas Part 1 is over and I think I'm still full from all the appetizers, food, and cookies. Part 2 is at Matt's parent's house on Deer Lake and they always have lots of delicious food so its time to start saving up room for that!
(Christmas is all about good food and cookies right? I thought so...)

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