Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yoda won.

So Friday was Halloween. Ken and Cheryl watched the kids all day for me because I had a full week of working from the office.

We had some CPE classes all week that I had to go to and while I wanted to complain about it to my boss (you know, that I'm not cut out for leaving my house 5 days in a row) I realized I haven't worked a full week in 2 1/2 years. So I silently sucked it up and showed up not just for 5 days in a row, but on time, 5 days in a row. Employee of the Year material right here.

Sure, I work 5 days in a row all the time, but its usually only for like 2 hours a day. I had to actually set an alarm and wear pants with like zippers and buttons. It was hard and I'm glad its over. I can't go back to that life. As my husband would say: You're too beautiful and precious for that life. Its true. I am.


The in-laws took the kids to Babies R Us for some Halloween projects and trick or treating in the store. Then they took them to the Garland district and let them trick or treat at the stores (I'm told Annie slept in the car while Grandpa listened to Rush on the radio. So really just Charlie got to experience the joy that is Halloween, but that's ok. I would have eaten all her candy anyways so its probably best that she didn't get any).

Below is Grandpa wearing a scary mask. The look on her face is so priceless. It's like: You think I'm oblivious to this scary mask? I'm not. Take it off. You're freakin' me out. I'm a baby for goodness sakes. Matt and Charlie headed out for the main event as soon as it got dark, I'm sorry, I mean Darth and Yoda headed out.

They hit about 10 houses, Yoda got tired, they came home, Yoda grabbed a sucker and
figured out what Halloween is really about. Eating massive amounts of candy. We really just let him have 3 pieces, which seems a little cruel, but he's only 2. He probably shouldn't have had any.
While we were making a big deal about Charlie I noticed Annie was missing. She had climbed behind the Great Wall of Books and gotten stuck back there. Poor second born.
Playing around in Matt's Darth Vader boots.
Turning it up a notch.

And, since I'm into videos these days. Here's mini-Darth. I couldn't figure out how to flip the video so just turn your head and enjoy!
So that was our Halloween!
Yesterday we took down all the Halloween decorations and put up Christmas lights so we have moved on and are all ready for the most magical time of the year!


Erika said...

isn't that why we have kids? because we are too old to go trick or treating and we need to get candy somehow? i love that Matt dresse up too! They are quite the duo :)

Amy said...

how cute that little sister loves her brother even in full SW gettup! and him telling her not to touch his stuff, like she cares! Happy Halloween!