Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Getting Closer!

Here's the latest potty update (if you've lost interest in this madness I don't blame you, just quit reading now) -

Charlie seems to know not to pee in his underwear when he's awake. When he has to go he puts one hand on his stomach/hip (see above) and walks around looking for me. Only occasionally will he actually verbally tell us he has to go, so we're working on that. Oh and he knows to come find me (and only me, so far he won't let Matt help him) which gives me some assurance that he knows what's about to happen.

When he's sleeping he just lets loose. So for now I think for now I'm going to concede and let him sleep in diapers (mostly for sanitary and my sanity reasons).

His other issue he can't seem to get past is dropping a deuce in the toilet. I let him wear diapers for most of the day today and he pooped 3 times! He must have been making up for his 4 days in underwear.

So for now I'd say he's more or less day trained. I still don't completely trust him though so when we leave the house for the next couple of weeks he's going to be in either a Pull Up or a diaper. I think that's the best we can do for now without going completely crazy.

1 comment:

The Butterfields said...

Charlie looks a like a little teapot with his hand on his hip! "Tip me over and pour me out!" I love it