Monday, June 23, 2008

Getting along...

Not much more needs to be said... (Looks like he's kissing her ah? Wrong. He's smelling her. It's his new thing.)

...other than she was sound asleep in our bed this afternoon until Dad came home from work. Charlie followed him into our room chatting away about something and accidentally woke Annie up. Probably kind of hard to sleep with a 2 year old jumping on the bed next to you.
In other news: Charlie, a.k.a Mr. Big Boy, went poop on the toilet for the first time ever. And, as if I wasn't proud enough, he went potty on the toilet twice at the park today (one time it was even his idea!). Progress folks, progress.
Oh and in other news: Miss Annie apparently rolled over last Thursday. I went into the office for a work meeting and when I got back Matt's mom asked me how long she'd been doing that. Umm...never? Never until now I guess? So no more leaving her on the changing table unattended. I joke, I don't do that. OK, sometimes, but not that often.


Amy said...

i am curious - does Annie have the pleasure of going to sleep watching Sports Center for her naps? She is so cute! Freya particularly enjoys listening to Stuart Scott. Maybe because I call him Stumanji and it sounds funny to a 2 month old.

Lori said...

I'm pretty sure Annie is flipping you off in that last pict. Maybe they're not "getting along" as well as you'd hoped. :)

Congrats on the potty (& poop) training. Go Charlie!!