Sunday, March 23, 2008

Me and My Offspring

Week 1 with 2 kids went well. Matt was off work so he was on Charlie patrol while I focused on meeting Annie's needs. Because of the c-section I'm not supposed to lift Charlie for several weeks. So I basically can't be left alone with him because there's always some reason he needs lifting. Matt goes back to work tomorrow so my mom will be coming by everyday to take care of us.

Charlie's adjusting so-so to life with a shared spotlight. He shows concern when she cries about 50% of the time and says things like "Baby Annie hold you" meaning go hold Annie, she needs you.

Other times he says things like "Baby Annie says whaaa." When he says this he follows it up with a laugh - like he's imitating her and then laughing at how funny he is.

The sleeping situation is bearable for now. Annie wakes every 2-3 hours wanting to be fed. I've been able to take a nap each day which is how I've been able to cope. I missed my nap one day last week though and I definitely wasn't fun to be around so I'm hoping I can continue to sneak that in this week.

That's the update for now - looking forward to week 2!

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